Perfect Path

Sunday, 3 October, 2021


Let's see what this test blog post is like.

It's supposed to be a test blog post :)

So here's a link to the church website

And to the blog I'm testing it's going to.

Going to a Wedding

Yesterday we went to the wedding of our lovely friend Kemi. Kemi was a bridesmaid at our wedding, Laura has known her since they were 11, starting at Woldingham, so yeah, like 28 years. It was a big African affair, but as Kemi's dad acknowledged also hugely multicultural, there were people from all over the world.

It was in the countryside south of Reading. But now I realise I'm getting sucked into telling the story instead of y'know doing a test...

How do you show the end of a story/article? Is it a line like that? How does an article become one? I mean, if I wanted to make the wedding story into a page, but not until after I'd finished writing everything did I realise that's what it was? I guess you just start talking about something new. Anyway the way it gets rendered on the home page is that a heading becomes a link to a page with that name, you can go see it alone and link to it, but on the home page it (and every other messy para) gets shown in a stream. It makes sense when you read it anyway.

And how to create anchors for every para? That might be in the eleventy docs.

Oh yeah and for image, use a flickr embed rather than markdown, although it would be good to be able to host some images on the site, need to check 11ty/netflify docs for that.
