Perfect Path

Monday, 4 October, 2021


This is a bunch of drivel that I'm using to test the action I just wrote in drafts. If (big if) successful then this will appear as a new blog post file in my OneDrive and I will be able to push it to the GitHub repo that holds the data for

If not successful then I have more work to do.

I just ran it once, the front matter wasn't quite right, so I've edited the script, deleted the file and am running the script again.

This is now a new post in a separate draft, which I've done later in the day (not much later, but later enough...!)

I hope it recognises that there is a file already here for today and that it simply appends these paragraphs to the existing file.

In future, these individual notes could also be tweets. They should have an anchor tag too, so that you can link to an idea rather than just a day or a story, but yeah, future...

This time with a title

And again, this is part three, just testing that it doesn't all fall apart. I don't have anything interesting to say. I mean, I do, but I'm typing all wonky because I need my lunch.

While I'm here, I thought I should also test from my phone. This is one of the great strengths of Drafts Pro, that it's scriptable and syncs all my apple devices. I would have a job doing this across Linux machines and an android phone.


What it does remind me of though is to think about editing. I mean at the moment everything is added to the day post, but if I get it wrong, or want to rephrase something, I'd have to do it manually.