Tuesday, 5 October, 2021
lloydit never went away #
When I say, in response to other people's nostalgia for the 2008/09 prototypes, "Tuttle isn't over, it's still happening" I'm not doing marketing for what I'm doing today, I'm trying to remind myself and others that it's a long-running conversation that happens online and off- and that it can still generate new ideas and things in the world.
on prototyping #
The word "prototype" is really important, people sometimes thought it was a joke, but it's an accurate description of what we were doing, just on a longer time scale than any of us are used to thinking on.
do it yourself #
It's like my blog. I've been blogging since 2002 but the words I wrote don't all exist on perfectpath.co.uk - some of them have been deleted and lost, others are spread over many other "properties" and it won't be finished until I am. And like my blog, the physical instances of Tuttle have grown out of me and my social network and so they have many characteristics in common with me. Yes it's overwhelmingly white and male, because that's what I am. But it's not the only blog in the world, I don't expect you to only read me or come to "my" events or converse with me. If you want something different (and if you are different to me, I think you should) then all I'm saying is, "I used these simple tools (and my privilege) to make this thing and I believe you can do the same." It's not up to me to make something for everybody, I don't scale like that, but the ideas and tools scale and fork, like open-source software. Fork me! Fork Tuttle! Do It Yourself. Send me pull requests by all means, but I reserve the right not to merge your changes.
I remembered to make a bash script to automate the git-add-commit-push blah blah blah
I'm out having an adventure. Riding on trains on routes I'm familiar with but not used to. Criss-crossing South London. Dodging showers, enjoying the autumnal rainbows.
Remembering that the journey is all part of it, this sitting in solitude, in public, not talking, just having a bit of a think and watching the suburbs roll by. Coulsdon, Croydon, Selhurst, Norwood, Penge.
Anerley, I'd forgotten Anerley - seven letters beginning with A.
I'll likely come back the same way I went, but we'll see. I'm going to Forest Hill. For reasons. And I'm playing spies, pretending that I'm on a mission, undetectable by the public, imperceptible to the office cleaners who get on at Sydenham.
- Next: Thursday, 7 October, 2021
- Previous: Monday, 4 October, 2021